Core values
To create a global educational community of conscientious individuals who have developed their intellectual, artistic and professional talents to the supreme degree, and who have an exalted sense of purpose in their lives, inspiring all around them to transcend barriers, overcome odds and work in unison to bring about positive change in society.
A core value is a central belief clearly understood and shared by every member of the school community. We believe in commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence.
By commitment we mean that everyone
- shows loyalty to friends, colleagues and the school
- is willing to support and show care for those who need help
- is willing to work to the highest level
- keeps the school rules
By opportunity we mean that everyone
- develops confidence through participation
- volunteers in a variety of school situations
- considers their own strengths and
- sets personal goals for improvement
- pursues individual interests in a manner which broadens horizons
By respect we mean that everyone
- values all members of the school community
- displays good manners at all times
- displays tolerance of others with different points of view and beliefs
- shows respect for the school buildings, facilities and surrounding environment
By excellence we mean that everyone
- is proud of personal achievement
- produces work of the highest quality
- sets high standards and personal goals for improvement
- makes best use of talents, time and resources
The vision of the school is to inspire learning comprising the physical, emotional, social and intellectual well being of all students, along with the desire to create a respected education brand which provide best educational services to students in a sustainable manner.
To provide each students a diverse education that promotes self-discipline, sense of responsibility, social and global consciousness and excellence in learning.